Regular Service Times

However, please check the weekly newsletter for any changes

Sunday10:30Holy Mass
Monday19;00Holy Mass
Tuesday19:00Holy Mass
Wednesday19:00Holy Mass
Thursday11:30Holy Mass
Friday09:30Holy Mass
Holy DaysPlease consult weekly newsletter.
Christmas and Easter, see below.

Little Church

During Sunday Mass for children who have not yet made their First Holy Communion, Little Church, takes place every Sunday during the Liturgy of the Word, except school holidays. Parish catechists co-ordinate Little Church on a rota basis.


Where a Requiem Mass is held on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, the 19:00 Mass will be replaced with Benediction and Compline


18:30 Monday and Tuesday or by appointment 


19:30 Monday and 18:30 Tuesday in church


12 noon Sundays by prior appointment           


Saturdays by prior appointment; at least 6 months’ notice is required 


Normally arranged for a Monday or Tuesday. Contact the parish priest in the first instance, who will preside.

Lent & Easter 2025

Stations of the Cross
10:00 Fridays

Palm Sunday 
10:30 Blessing of Palms, Procession and Holy Mass

Sacred Triduum
19:00 Holy Thursday Mass of the Lord’s Supper, followed by Adoration Altar of Repose
15:00 Good Friday of The Passion of the Lord
18:30 Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass (St John the Evangelist, Burscough)

Easter Sunday
10:30 Holy Mass of the Resurrection of the Lord

Advent & Christmas 2024

Advent Carol Service
16:00 Sunday 15th December

Christmas Eve
18:30 Vigil Mass of Christmas (St John the Evangelist, Burscough)
22:00 Carols and Readings followed by 22:30 Christmas Mass in the Night

Christmas Day
09:00 Dawn Mass of Christmas (St John the Evangelist, Burscough)
10:30 Day Mass of Christmas

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