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    Notices for Visitors

    Our Lady & All Saints welcome visitors who wish to join us for Holy Mass, visit the cemetery or walk through the beautiful grounds. However, measures are needed for the safety of everyone concerned and to uphold respect for the surroundings. Our duty is to care for the site so that visitors can appreciate and enjoy it, while preserving its essential qualities for those who will come after us.

    The estate is maintained solely by parishioners and has won a number of awards in the Lancashire Best Kept Village competition. If you regularly use the grounds and wish to donate towards their upkeep, please do so using the Donate button at the top of the page. Thank you.


    Parking is permitted whilst attending a church service, visiting the cemetery or attending to church business. Use of the carpark by parents of children attending Our Lady & All Saints school is permitted only whilst dropping off and picking up their children to/from school.
    From time to time, Our Lady &All Saints may close the carpark gates.


    Pedestrians are permitted to use the footpaths only, unless visiting a grave.

    Dog Walkers

    Dogs must be kept on a lead at all times, are only permitted on the footpaths, and owners must clean up after their pets.


    Ball games are not permitted.

    Cycling, skateboarding, and the use of scooters are permitted on the footpaths only, but not during school pickup and drop off times.

    If you regularly use the grounds and wish to donate towards their upkeep,
    please do so using the Donate button here or at the top of the page.
    Thank you

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